Utilities & Industrial Assets

Elevate your project

Robotics for Utilities & Industrial Assets

Automate asset monitoring and inspection by adding autonomous robots to your workforce.

The lack of consistent and trustworthy data is a major problem for asset owners worldwide. Not only do we face limited availability of qualified personnel, but of high-quality data too. This can lead to wrong conclusions and poorly made decisions, endangering the availability of assets, leading to higher maintenance costs and more materials being used. Our inspection drones and robots gather high-quality and consistent data of your assets. Everywhere, every day.

Our robots are widely used for inspecting assets, monitoring processes, and keeping sites secure. Have robots perform routine inspection rounds and identify anomalies, malfunctioning systems, intruders, missing safety equipment, and much more. Select your desired payloads such as pan-tilt-zoom cameras, thermal imagers, acoustic sensors, LiDARs and more, or add a custom payload supported by our intuitive SDK.

Our robots have been put to the test in real-world environments, both indoors and outdoors in all kinds of weather and GPS genied areas, and are ready to help you increase your site’s operational efficiency and worker safety.

Your gain using
Mobile Robotics

  • More reliable, consistent and frequent inspections, not depending on people in your workforce
  • Higher asset reliability and reduced (unexpected) down-time
  • Lower inspection and maintenance costs
  • Improved safety and reduced risk of environmental hazards
  • Reduced time between occurrence of event and its detection
  • Increased process control and quality
  • Improved maintenance scheduling, leading to a longer lifespan of materials

Automate monitoring and inspection with autonomous robots

inspection tasks

Performing maintenance and inspections faster and more frequently means you can reduce the time between an occurrence of an event and the detection of it. Accurate and reliable inspection of industrial sites is crucial for a safe environment and workplace. Robots are reliable, extremely consistent and do not make human errors, which is especially important, given the repetitive nature of inspection rounds.

and labor shortages

Adding drones and robots to your site can avoid having to find (qualified) personnel during today's labor shortage. In addition, robots and drones can reduce your inspection costs. Our drones and robots can work fully autonomous, not requiring any on-site human intervention for months.


Autonomous inspection robots and drones help asset owners reach their sustainable development goals. Robots avoid safety hazards as fewer people are required on-site. In addition, early identification of gas and fluid leaks allow you to solve them before they become an environmental hazard.

Autonomous inspection robots can:

  • Reduce dangerous and repetitive work
  • Keep track of assets data over time
  • Greatly increase inspection frequency
  • Gather more reliable asset data (accuracy/replicability)
  • Perform site surveillance, compliance, and security checks

Autonomous inspection robots

Automate asset monitoring
and inspection

Our robots have been put to the test in real-world environments, both indoors and outdoors in all kinds of weather and GPS genied areas, and are ready to help you increase your site’s operational efficiency and worker safety.

Specific applications

Sub-station inspections

Frequently inspect electrical substations to avoid asset failures, unscheduled downtime, and environmental hazards

Autonomous operator rounds

Conduct daily inspection rounds to gather critical data for enabling predictive maintenance

Security and Surveillance

Whilst monitoring your assets and critical infrastructure, the robots can identify intruders, report missing objects, or respond quickly to alarms and triggers

Solar inspections

Have robots track your solar panel's performance, identify safety incidents, and keep intruders out

Typical tasks that our robots can conduct

  • Perform routine inspection rounds, acting as a mobile sensor to gather information about assets such as visual, thermal, and acoustic imaging, gas detection, 3Dmapping, PPE compliance, etc.
  • Act as a first responder when an event is triggered to quickly get an understanding of the magnitude and importance of an event.
  • Conduct a security patrol at a large industrial site to keep out or identify intruders.
  • With added functionalities, perform maintenance tasks that otherwise are dangerous to humans, such as removing corrosion.

Our Proposition

Do you have a machine that needs to be driven around all day long, performing its task? We can turn it into a robot.
Do you have repetitive tasks that your people should be relieved from? We can make you a robot.

Ground operations:
The Origin One

The Origin One is the perfect driving robotic platform to customize for your inspection application. Regularly inspect your assets being build, your roads being maintained or your project being developed. The Origin One is the ultimate robot for any data gathering in your construction business.

It is equipped with our Autopilots and default (perception) sensors, that allow for fully autonomous operations. Additional sensors and payloads can be easily installed, connected, and configured. Add our Dock to enable 24/7 autonomous missions without any human intervention. Together, we can co-develop a custom Origin One for your specific application.

Get in contact withRalph Broeders
For theUtilities & Industrial AssetsDomain