The board of directors are the captains of our ship. Looking out for the crew and keeping us on course, full steam ahead!
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
Board of Directors
The people that keep the company going, fuel the other teams, spread the Avular word and work behind the engineering scenes.
Product Management
Supply Chain
Business Development
Product Management
The Essentials team build the building blocks for mobile robotics; electronic devices that will change the future of robotics.
System Architecture
Software Development
Software Development
Mechatronic Systems
Development Management
The Autonomy team is all about bringing intelligence to our robots. From awareness to locomotion to behaviour you name it and the autonomy team will test the limits of our essentials. They will always strive to bring the latest stable algorithms to your solutions.
Control Systems
AI Systems
Control Systems
System Architecture
System Architecture
The pioneering team that enables our customers to apply their unique value proposition on a mobile robot, so they don’t have to.
Electrical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Integration & Verification
Mechatronic Systems
System Architecture
Control Systems
Software Development
System Architecture
Electrical Engineering
Test & Integration
Software Development
The Services wizkids develop (a part of) a custom mobile robot, designed for a specific problem of the customer.
System Architecture
System Architecture
Software Development
Project Management
Control Systems
Mechatronic Systems
Mechatronic Systems
Project Management